Monday 11 November 2013

Cloud Computing Pros and Cons:

Cloud Computing has become the most critical new trend in IT nowadays. 
With many companies opting this technology, lets see what it has to offer.
Benefits of Cloud Computing:

Cloud computing costs less, because there is no need to pay for all the people, products, and facilities to run them.
When the apps used by companies run in the cloud, they don’t buy anything. It’s all rolled up into a predictable monthly subscription, so the companies only pay for what they actually use.
More scalable, secure, reliable and sustainable than most applications.
Upgrades are taken care of by the provider, so applications get security and performance enhancements and new features automatically.
Data can be accesses at all times – not just while in the office.
Lets companies focus on deploying new projects and innovation.
Cloud Computing Drawbacks:
                                                                                         Read more
Cloud computing does not allow users to physically possess the storage of their data so it does leave responsibility of data storage and control in the hands of the provider.
Cloud computing has been criticized for limiting the freedom of users with limited features and making them dependent on the cloud computing provider.
The security and confidentiality of data and information are vulnerable.
Users had no freedom to install new applications and needed approval from administrators to achieve certain tasks. Overall, it limited both freedom and creativity.


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