Wednesday 25 September 2013

Search Engine Optimization Tips For Bloggers 2013

Search Engine Optimization Tips For Bloggers 2013:
Search Engine Optimization is a need of every blog to grow and to receive organic traffic (traffic from search engines).
Here at BloggerTipsTricks I have shared lot of SEO tips in past with my readers. Here is a roundup of all those tips that help you to grow your blog and reach it to the next level.

SEO tips and tricks that I have shared in past are essential and should be keep in mind to build up your blog authority and value in search engines.
If your blog is search engine optimized then no doubt your all posts will receive decent organic traffic and lot of shares on social media sites like facebook, twitter, Google Plus etc if you have added a social sharing widget in your blog.
So, take a look which tips you have read and which of them you missed.
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Search Engine Optimization Tips for Blog:
To drive traffic from search engines the first step you should take is submit your blog in Google Webmaster Tools.
link data-Every newbie bloggers, when starts their blogging career might be have a dream to get lot of traffic to their blog. But with lack of proper SEO knowledge, their dreams not come true. Success of a blog or website is totally depends on the traffic they are receiving from search engines like Google, Bing and Yahoo.

Submitting your blog into these major search engines should be your first step while optimizing it for search engines. Submitting your blog is the process which tells search engines about your new blog. All search engines have their own webmaster tool which is used for blog verification. But, you should submit your blog into Google first because Google is the top one search engine. This is the topic of our today’s post. I will tell you how to submit blogger blog in Google by using Google Webmaster Tool.

Below is the list of SEO tips with categories so that you can understand each tip with its value and use. Please read all these tip carefully if you are serious about your blogging goal.
1.Search Engine Submission:
.Google Webmaster Tools Verification Tips for Blogger: This post comes under Search Engine Submission.
2.How to Submit Blogger Sitemap to Google Webmaster Tools?:
Once you submit your blog in Google Webmaster Tools, the next step you have to do is submit a sitemap which tells search engines about your blog posts and new updates in your blog.


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